FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 2016
Juneteenth- June 19th 2016

Let there be no mistake! The celebration of is important because the was the biggest deportation and enslavement of a people in history and a determining factor in the world economy starting from the16th-to-the-20th century. Millions of Africans were torn from their homes, deported to the American continent and sold as . Their enslaved forced labor is the economic foundation that the Americas stands on today. Every American should commemorate Juneteenth to give thanks and appreciation to those who suffered and survived the worst conditions and atrocities ever inflicted on a people in history. Surely every American should remember, honor and appreciate the people who gave so much of their intellect, creativity, and labor to build America and its corporations into the wealthy nation it is today, in spite of their horrific experiences. From the traffic light system to the refrigerator, thelight bulb
Fathers Day 2016- June 19th 2016
Below are the events to attend this weekend to celebrate in the Atlanta/Metro Atlanta areas:
Posted 11:04 AM
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