(Bloomberg) -- Summer is driving season — and, it appears, fuming, cursing, and ramming season as well.
In a survey released today by the http://http//www.propertycasualty360.com/2016/07/14/look-out-there-are-160-million-angry-drivers-on-th?t=personal-linesAAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, 78% of the approximately 205 million drivers in the U.S. reported expressing significant anger, aggression, or plain old road rage in the past year.
More than half reported purposely tailgating, and 47% said they had yelled at another driver. About 3% said they had bumped another vehicle on purpose. That may not seem like a lot, until you consider that it's 5.7 million drivers. About 4% (7.6 million drivers) reported that they had gotten out of the car to confront another driver.
Shocker: AAA found that men were more than three times as likely as women to ram another vehicle on purpose or get out of the car to confront another driver. The data also suggested that drivers from the Northeast are almost 30% more likely to make an angry gesture than other drivers. (You know, New York values.)
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